Dazzler was shot, but Cloak and Dagger rescued the remaining three members, and purged the drugs and radiation sickening them. M Branch's leader, Roland Blaisdell, ordered his soldiers to open fire. In fact the Only Original member ofthe New. The remaining team, with the exception of Rogue, rebelled against M Branch. History: (X-Force I121)- After watching video footage of the Spike in action, the senior members of X-Force, except the Anarchist, voted to have him join the team. X-FOrCe Of COurse, purists Willargue that this latest group of heroes isn't simplyareworking ofthe New Mutants. Psylocke, Wolverine, and Longshot were the first to die.

Sickened by the process which gave them their powers, the team realized M Branch cared little for saving their lives, coldly collecting data on the nature of their eventual death. Was disguised as Domino on Cable's first team in X-Force (1991) 1 Cyclops. Each member were given costumes and codenames matching the X-Men, believed to have been killed battling the Adversary. Joined Cable's second team in Cable and X-Force (2013) 1 and is a member of Krakoa's CIA Copycat. Each member was subjected to cosmic and/or gamma rays to give them powers in a manner similar to the Fantastic Four and the Hulk. The M Branch was thus formed and given the job to find volunteers to serve in a new team, X-Force. During the super-villain event known as the "Acts of Vengeance", the US government began to question the loyalty of Freedom Force.